February 8, 2011

"War is a form of technology". Agree or Disagree.

Ever since about five thousand years ago, wars have been occurring around almost the whole entire world. It is an organized violent conflict against two different groups of people. Some people even say that war is a form of technology. However, I disagree. Instead I think that war is just a bad way to express your feelings. They are mostly started by petty issues such as because of a disagreement, a desire for power and control, a rivalry, or many other reasons. All of them, though, are involved with greed. Personally, I think ninety percent of the time these wars can also be stopped if they were handled in a better way. Communication is vital. If the leaders actually discussed the issue they were concerned or mad about maybe they could both come to a compromise instead of going to war and killing thousands or even millions of people. To me, this just seems to be a more sufficient way of resolving the problem. However, I also believe that you are supposed to fight for what you believe in. Every person has certain rights, which are all written in the Constitution. If your rights of a human being are not being met then I do agree that you should fight for them. Ultimately, there is only one reason that I would ever agree to go to war, and that would be if it was something worth fighting for because if you don’t have that then what’s the point of fight for it?           

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