February 14, 2011

Write a blog post comparing the Ancient Greek Olympics to the Games this coming weekend.

             The first games were said to be started in the year of seven hundred seventy six before the Common Era. They took place in one of Greece’s famous cities called Olympia. The ancient Olympic games are supposed to be the origin of the Olympics we have now a days. However, the games that took place in Olympia and the Olympics we have now are very different. For one, in the games the location never changed. But now in the Olympics the location changes every year. Also back in the ancient Olympic games only men competed. Now men and women compete. In the games back in Olympia, the actual sports and event were different too. For the first thirteen games they only had one event, which was the stadion race. In this event you had to run one length of the stadium. Over the years, however, they added more sports such as boxing and wrestling. Now they have much different sports such as gymnastics, swimming, volley ball, ice hockey, skiing, and figure skating. But there are also some similarities between the ancient Olympic games and the Olympics now. One of them is that both then and now, athletes have traveled from all over to compete in the games. Also for whoever wins there is fame that is brought back to which ever city or country they are from. Although now they are just considered great athletes back then they were said to be almost god like. One ancient Greek poet named Pindar even said, “You could spur on a man with natural talent to strive towards great glory with the help of the gods.” As you can see there have been advancements from the ancient Olympic games to now, but there are still similarities too.              

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