February 21, 2011

What compels someone to lead others?

             Personally, I think anyone can be a leader if they didn’t have any other choice such as if they were the heir to the thrown or something. However, there is a difference between a leader and a great leader. This difference is that drive, that one characteristic that makes the great leaders stand out from the others, and this is what we call passion. And with that passion, you can do the impossible and accomplish great things. Our great leaders of America, the ones we look up to, all had passion that is one of the reasons why they were able to accomplish everything they did. For example George Washington, the first president of the United States of America, couldn’t have leaded our country without passion. Martin Luther King Jr. stood up for his rights and also for the rights of all African Americans because he knew it was right. He had a passion for his people who weren’t being treated fairly. And then how do you think Alexander the Great got his name? Because he too had passion for his land and people. Without this passion, what else do you have? You need passion to live and ultimately to be happy. But passion can also come in many different forms. It can also come as jealously or even hate. Either way though whatever the reason for the passion or for the type of passion, this is what compels those leaders to do extraordinary things. To make the difference they wanted to see in the world.   

1 comment:

  1. This was a very good blog however you could incorpoerate osme of the leaders from the movie we watched in class
