March 3, 2011

Based on what you know about Aristotle, do you think Alexander had listened carefully to his tutor?

              Aristotle was one of the famous western philosophers along with Plato and Socrates. He was a Greek, born in three hundred eighty four before the Common Era and dying in three hundred twenty two before the Common Era. His writings were one of the first to contain a complete method about Western philosophy consisting of morality and aesthetics, logic and science, and politics and metaphysics. However, he also had very strong beliefs and theories on the use of things, how things should run, and what is good. In ethics, Aristotle believes that an object or any other thing person, plant, animal, whatever the thing is, is only as good as its proper function. For example, an eye depending on how much it can see is how good that eye works or even how good it is in general. In politics, Aristotle considered the city a natural community. He thought that the city should be more than just about economic stability and justice, but also allowing the citizens to have a good life and have them be able to do amazing things in their life. But besides just being a great writer and philosopher, he was also a great teacher. One of the most legendary students that he taught was Alexander the Great. And even though Alexander’s father did die when Alexander was at a young age and he didn’t really have a role model, I don’t think he necessarily listened to his teacher Aristotle either. Alexander the Great was a great leader which does explain how he got his nickname, but he also was very power hungry. Every time he defeated some other city state, he would just want more and more. He basically just wanted to be the ruler of the world. So to me Alexander the Great’s morals were completely different than what Aristotle was trying to teach him.          

1 comment:

  1. I like you idea of Alexander having problems on account of the lack of a role model; there may be something to that. Who do you think he should have turned to?
