March 1, 2011

Could a force like Alexander the Great exist today? Why or why not?

            Alexander the third of Macedonia, more commonly known as Alexander the Great, was the king of Macedonia, Greece. He inherited the thrown after his father, Philip, died. By a young age, he had already conquered the Persian Empire which was the most powerful empire at the time from king Darius the third. Not long after he controlled everything from the Ionian Sea to the Himalaya Mountains, creating one of the largest and most powerful empires known in ancient history. Nowadays we also have a leader in the United States, our president. However, our government is instead a democracy. And yes, in a way Greece also had a democracy too but their rights only applied to the Greek citizens. These citizens consisted of only males. There were no women or children allowed. But also, these males had to come from a more privileged family so not just everyone could become a citizen. In the United States, anyone can become a citizen. Personally, I don’t think that a ruler like Alexander the Great could lead a country from this time such as the United States. Back then it was all about power. Now however it’s more about our country and more importantly what is best for the citizens who live there. Our president can’t just be worried and concerned for himself, but even more than that he can’t just want power. He has to genuinely care for the citizens of the United States and also for our welfare. Alexander the Great was a great leader, but what makes a great leader then and what makes a great leader now are two very different things.           


  1. This is great. If your were to do this again, i would include information about current world leaders and politics that relate to this topic. Also, you could talk about wars lately and how difficult those wars truely are in how long they are and in lives lost. Plus, how advanced technology there is in the world today. Finally, you could talk about the allies that countries in todays world have, as well as, how after things, like 9/11 for example and Sumam Hussien, we are exptremly sensitive to that kind of stuff. Here are a few links that may help. Here are some links:

  2. Good ideas, however, I would put in other events that have and have not effected the country.

    Here is a suggestion:
